Source code for geophires_x.CylindricalReservoir

import math
import os
import sys
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np
from pint.facets.plain import PlainQuantity

from geophires_x.GeoPHIRESUtils import density_water_kg_per_m3, static_pressure_MPa, quantity

from geophires_x.GeoPHIRESUtils import heat_capacity_water_J_per_kg_per_K
import geophires_x.Model as Model
from geophires_x.Parameter import floatParameter, OutputParameter
from geophires_x.Reservoir import Reservoir
from geophires_x.Units import Units, PercentUnit, AreaUnit, TemperatureUnit, LengthUnit

[docs] class CylindricalReservoir(Reservoir): """ The CylindricalReservoir class is a subclass of the Reservoir class in a straightforward conduction-only model. It inherits from the primary Reservoir model but offers new parameters and calculations. """ def __init__(self, model: Model): """ The __init__ function is called automatically when a class is instantiated. Set up all the Parameters that will be predefined by this class using the different types of parameter classes. Setting up includes giving it a name, a default value, The Unit Type (length, volume, temperature, etc) and Unit Name of that value, sets it as required (or not), sets allowable range, the error message if that range is exceeded, the ToolTip Text, and the name of teh class that created it. This includes setting up temporary variables that will be available to all the class but noy read in by user, or used for Output This also includes all Parameters that are calculated and then published using the Printouts function. If you choose to subclass this master class, you can do so before or after you create your own parameters. If you do, you can also choose to call this method from you class, which will effectively add and set all these parameters to your class. :param model: The container class of the application, giving access to everything else, including the logger :type model: :class:`~geophires_x.Model.Model` :return: None """'Init {str(__class__)}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') super().__init__(model) # initialize the parent parameters and variables self.InputDepth = self.ParameterDict[self.InputDepth.Name] = floatParameter( "Cylindrical Reservoir Input Depth", DefaultValue=3.0, Min=0.1, Max=15, UnitType=Units.LENGTH, PreferredUnits=LengthUnit.KILOMETERS, CurrentUnits=LengthUnit.KILOMETERS, Required=True, ErrMessage="assume default cylindrical reservoir depth (3 km)", ToolTipText="Depth of the inflow end of a cylindrical reservoir", ) self.OutputDepth = self.ParameterDict[self.OutputDepth.Name] = floatParameter( "Cylindrical Reservoir Output Depth", DefaultValue=self.InputDepth.value, Min=0.1, Max=15, UnitType=Units.LENGTH, PreferredUnits=LengthUnit.KILOMETERS, CurrentUnits=LengthUnit.KILOMETERS, Required=True, ErrMessage="assume default cylindrical reservoir input depth (3 km)", ToolTipText="Depth of the outflow end of a cylindrical reservoir", ) self.Length = self.ParameterDict[self.Length.Name] = floatParameter( "Cylindrical Reservoir Length", DefaultValue=4.0, Min=0.1, Max=10.0, UnitType=Units.LENGTH, PreferredUnits=LengthUnit.KILOMETERS, CurrentUnits=LengthUnit.KILOMETERS, Required=True, ErrMessage="assume default cylindrical reservoir length (4 km)", ToolTipText="Length of cylindrical reservoir", ) self.RadiusOfEffect = self.ParameterDict[self.RadiusOfEffect.Name] = floatParameter( "Cylindrical Reservoir Radius of Effect", DefaultValue=30.0, Min=0, Max=1000.0, UnitType=Units.LENGTH, PreferredUnits=LengthUnit.METERS, CurrentUnits=LengthUnit.METERS, ErrMessage="assume default cylindrical reservoir radius of effect (30 m)", ToolTipText="The radius of effect - the distance into the rock from the center of the cylinder that will" + " be perturbed by at least 1 C", ) self.RadiusOfEffectFactor = self.ParameterDict[self.RadiusOfEffectFactor.Name] = floatParameter( "Cylindrical Reservoir Radius of Effect Factor", DefaultValue=1.0, Min=0.0, Max=10.0, UnitType=Units.PERCENT, PreferredUnits=PercentUnit.TENTH, CurrentUnits=PercentUnit.TENTH, ErrMessage="assume default cylindrical reservoir radius of effect reduction factor (0.1)", ToolTipText="The radius of effect reduction factor - to account for the fact that we cannot extract 100%" + " of the heat in the cylinder.", ) sclass = str(__class__).replace("<class \'", "") self.MyClass = sclass.replace("\'>", "") self.MyPath = os.path.abspath(__file__) # internal values required for calculations self.depth = self.ParameterDict[self.depth.Name] = floatParameter( "Drilled length", DefaultValue=0.0, Min=0.0, Max=150, UnitType=Units.LENGTH, PreferredUnits=LengthUnit.KILOMETERS, CurrentUnits=LengthUnit.KILOMETERS, Required=True, ErrMessage="assume default cyclindrical reservoir depth (3 km)", ToolTipText="Depth of the inflow end of a cyclindrical reservoir", ) self.waterloss = self.ParameterDict[self.waterloss.Name] = floatParameter( "Water Loss Fraction", DefaultValue=0.0, Min=0.0, Max=0.99, UnitType=Units.PERCENT, PreferredUnits=PercentUnit.TENTH, CurrentUnits=PercentUnit.TENTH, ErrMessage="assume default water loss fraction (0)", ToolTipText="Fraction of water lost in the reservoir defined as (total geofluid lost)/(total geofluid produced).", ) # Results - used by other objects or printed in output downstream self.SurfaceArea = self.OutputParameterDict[self.SurfaceArea.Name] = OutputParameter( "Cylindrical Reservoir Surface Area", UnitType=Units.AREA, PreferredUnits=AreaUnit.METERS2, CurrentUnits=AreaUnit.METERS2, ) self.averagegradient = self.OutputParameterDict[self.averagegradient.Name] = OutputParameter( "averagegradient", UnitType=Units.NONE ) self.timevector = self.OutputParameterDict[self.timevector.Name] = OutputParameter( "Time Vector", value=[], UnitType=Units.NONE ) self.Tresoutput = self.OutputParameterDict[self.Tresoutput.Name] = OutputParameter( "Reservoir Temperature History", value=[], UnitType=Units.TEMPERATURE, PreferredUnits=TemperatureUnit.CELSIUS, CurrentUnits=TemperatureUnit.CELSIUS, )'Complete {str(__class__)}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') def __str__(self): return 'CylindricalReservoir'
[docs] def read_parameters(self, model: Model) -> None: """ The read_parameters function reads in the parameters from a dictionary created by reading the user-provided file and updates the parameter values for this object. The function reads in all the parameters that relate to this object, including those that are inherited from other objects. It then updates any of these parameter values that have been changed by the user. It also handles any special cases. :param model: The container class of the application, giving access to everything else, including the logger :type model: :class:`~geophires_x.Model.Model` :return: None """'Init {str(__class__)}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') super().read_parameters(model) # Deal with special cases that need to be taken care of after a value has been read in and checked. if len(model.InputParameters) > 0: for item in self.ParameterDict.items(): ParameterToModify = item[1] key = ParameterToModify.Name.strip() if key in model.InputParameters: # Just handle special cases for this class - the call to super set all the values, # including the value unique to this class. if ParameterToModify.Name == 'Cylindrical Reservoir Input Depth': if 'Cylindrical Reservoir Output Depth' not in model.InputParameters: # If input depth is set and not output, assume output is the same as input self.OutputDepth.value = self.InputDepth.value else:'No parameters read because no content provided')'complete {str(__class__)}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}')
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def Calculate(self, model: Model) -> None: """ The Calculate function is where all the calculations are done. This function can be called multiple times, and will only recalculate what has changed each time it is called. This is where all the calculations are made using all the values that have been set. If you subclass this class, you can choose to run these calculations before (or after) your calculations, but that assumes you have set all the values that are required for these calculations If you choose to subclass this master class, you can also choose to override this method (or not), and if you do, do it before or after you call you own version of this method. If you do, you can also choose to call this method from you class, which can effectively run the calculations of the superclass, making all the values available to your methods. but you had better have set all the parameters! :param model: The container class of the application, giving access to everything else, including the logger :type model: :class:`~geophires_x.Model.Model` :return: Nothing, but it does make calculations and set values in the model """'Init {str(__class__)}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') # specify time-stepping vectors self.timevector.value = np.linspace( 0, model.surfaceplant.plant_lifetime.value, model.economics.timestepsperyear.value * model.surfaceplant.plant_lifetime.value, ) self.averagegradient.value = self.gradient.value[0] self.Trock.value = self.Tsurf.value + (self.gradient.value[0] * (self.InputDepth.value * 1000.0)) # initialize with the Initial reservoir temperature self.Tresoutput.value = np.array(len(self.timevector.value) * [self.Trock.value]) # depth in this case is actually the total length of the drilled assembly # as the average of the InputDepth and the OutputDepth self.depth.value = (self.InputDepth.value + self.OutputDepth.value) / 2.0 # Total volume of all laterals but hollow cylinder - doesn't include drilled-out area, units = m3 self.resvolcalc.value = ( model.wellbores.numnonverticalsections.value * math.pi * (self.Length.value * 1000.0) * ((pow(self.RadiusOfEffect.value, 2)) - pow(model.wellbores.prodwelldiam.value, 2)) ) self.SurfaceArea.value = (2.0 * math.pi * self.RadiusOfEffect.value * (self.Length.value * 1000.0)) + ( 2.0 * math.pi * pow(self.RadiusOfEffect.value, 2) ) # m3 self.InitialReservoirHeatContent.value = ( self.RadiusOfEffectFactor.value * self.resvolcalc.value * self.rhorock.value * self.cprock.value * (self.Trock.value - model.wellbores.Tinj.value) ) / 1e15 # 10^15 J self.cpwater.value = heat_capacity_water_J_per_kg_per_K( model.wellbores.Tinj.value * 0.5 + (self.Trock.value * 0.9 + model.wellbores.Tinj.value * 0.1) * 0.5, pressure=self.hydrostatic_pressure() ) self.rhowater.value = density_water_kg_per_m3( model.wellbores.Tinj.value * 0.5 + (self.Trock.value * 0.9 + model.wellbores.Tinj.value * 0.1) * 0.5, pressure=self.hydrostatic_pressure() )'complete {str(__class__)}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}')
[docs] def lithostatic_pressure(self) -> PlainQuantity: """@override""" return quantity(static_pressure_MPa(self.rhorock.quantity().to('kg/m**3').magnitude, self.InputDepth.quantity().to('m').magnitude), 'MPa')