Source code for geophires_x.AGSEconomics

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import geophires_x.Model as Model
import geophires_x.Economics as Economics
from geophires_x.Parameter import floatParameter
from geophires_x.Units import *
from geophires_x.OptionList import WorkingFluid, EndUseOptions, EconomicModel

[docs] class AGSEconomics(Economics.Economics): """ AGSEconomics Child class of Economics; it is the same, but has advanced AGS closed-loop functionality """ def __init__(self, model: Model): """ The __init__ function is the constructor for a class. It is called whenever an instance of the class is created. The __init__ function can take arguments, but self is always the first one. Self refers to the instance of the object that has already been created, and it's used to access variables that belong to that object :param model: The container class of the application, giving access to everything else, including the logger :type model: Model :return: Nothing, and is used to initialize the class """'Init {__class__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') # Initialize the superclass first to gain access to those variables super().__init__(model) sclass = str(__class__).replace("<class \'", "") self.MyClass = sclass.replace("\'>", "") self.MyPath = os.path.abspath(__file__) self.Electricity_rate = None self.Discount_rate = None self.error = 0 self.AverageOPEX_Plant = 0 self.OPEX_Plant = 0 self.TotalCAPEX = 0 self.CAPEX_Surface_Plant = 0 self.CAPEX_Drilling = 0 # Set up all the Parameters that will be predefined by this class using the different types of parameter classes. # Setting up includes giving it a name, a default value, The Unit Type (length, volume, temperature, etc.) # and Unit Name of that value, sets it as required (or not), sets allowable range, # the error message if that range is exceeded, the ToolTip Text, and the name of the class that created it. # This includes setting up temporary variables that will be available to all the class but noy read in by user, # or used for Output # This also includes all Parameters that are calculated and then published using the Printouts function. # If you choose to subclass this master class, you can do so before or after you create your own parameters. # If you do, you can also choose to call this method from you class, which will effectively add # and set all these parameters to your class. # NB: inputs we already have ("already have it") need to be set at ReadParameter time so values # are set at the last possible time self.O_and_M_cost_plant = self.ParameterDict[self.O_and_M_cost_plant.Name] = floatParameter( "Operation & Maintenance Cost of Surface Plant", DefaultValue=0.015, Min=0.0, Max=0.2, UnitType=Units.PERCENT, PreferredUnits=PercentUnit.TENTH, CurrentUnits=PercentUnit.TENTH, Required=True, ErrMessage="assume default Operation & Maintenance cost of surface plant expressed as fraction of total surface plant capital cost (0.015)" ) self.Direct_use_heat_cost_per_kWth = self.ParameterDict[ self.Direct_use_heat_cost_per_kWth.Name] = floatParameter( "Capital Cost for Surface Plant for Direct-use System", DefaultValue=100.0, Min=0.0, Max=10000.0, UnitType=Units.ENERGYCOST, PreferredUnits=EnergyCostUnit.DOLLARSPERKW, CurrentUnits=EnergyCostUnit.DOLLARSPERKW, Required=False, ErrMessage="assume default Capital cost for surface plant for direct-use system (100 $/kWth)" ) self.Power_plant_cost_per_kWe = self.ParameterDict[self.Power_plant_cost_per_kWe.Name] = floatParameter( "Capital Cost for Power Plant for Electricity Generation", DefaultValue=3000.0, Min=0.0, Max=10000.0, UnitType=Units.ENERGYCOST, PreferredUnits=EnergyCostUnit.DOLLARSPERKW, CurrentUnits=EnergyCostUnit.DOLLARSPERKW, Required=True, ErrMessage="assume default Power plant capital cost per kWe (3000 USD/kWe)" ) # results are stored here and in the parent ProducedTemperature array'complete {__class__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') def __str__(self): return 'AGSEconomics'
[docs] def read_parameters(self, model: Model) -> None: """ The read_parameters function reads in the parameters from a dictionary and stores them in the parameters. It also handles special cases that need to be handled after a value has been read in and checked. If you choose to subclass this master class, you can also choose to override this method (or not), and if you do :param model: The container class of the application, giving access to everything else, including the logger :type model: :class:`~geophires_x.Model.Model` :return: None """'Init {__class__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') super().read_parameters(model) # read the default parameters # if we call super, we don't need to deal with setting the parameters here, # just deal with the special cases for the variables in this class # because the call to the super.readparameters will set all the variables, # including the ones that are specific to this class # inputs we already have - needs to be set at ReadParameter time so values set at the latest possible time self.Discount_rate = model.economics.discountrate.value # same units are GEOPHIRES self.Electricity_rate = model.surfaceplant.electricity_cost_to_buy.value # same units are GEOPHIRES'complete {__class__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}')
[docs] def verify(self, model: Model) -> int: """ The validate function checks that all values provided are within the range expected by AGS modeling system. These values in within a smaller range than the value ranges available to GEOPHIRES-X :param model: The container class of the application, giving access to everything else, including the logger :type model: :class:`~geophires_x.Model.Model` :return: 0 if all OK, 1 if error. """'Init {__class__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') # Verify inputs are within allowable bounds self.error = 0 if self.O_and_M_cost_plant.value < 0 or self.O_and_M_cost_plant.value > 0.2: # TODO interpolate provided value in message msg = ('CLGS model database imposes additional range restrictions: Operation & maintenance cost of surface ' 'plant (expressed as fraction of total surface plant capital cost) must be between 0 and 0.2. ' 'Simulation terminated.') print(f'Error: {msg}') model.logger.fatal(msg) self.error = 1 if self.Discount_rate < 0 or self.Discount_rate > 0.2: # TODO interpolate provided value in message msg =('CLGS model database imposes additional range restrictions: Discount rate must be between 0 and 0.2. ' 'Simulation terminated.') print(f'Error: {msg}') model.logger.fatal(msg) self.error = 1 if self.Direct_use_heat_cost_per_kWth.value < 0 or self.Direct_use_heat_cost_per_kWth.value > 10_000: # TODO interpolate provided value in message msg = ('CLGS model database imposes additional range restrictions: Capital cost for direct-use surface ' 'plant must be between 0 and 10,000 $/kWth. Simulation terminated.') print(f'Error: {msg}') model.logger.fatal(msg) self.error = 1 if self.Electricity_rate < 0 or self.Electricity_rate > 0.5: # TODO interpolate provided value in message msg = ('CLGS model database imposes additional range restrictions: Electricity rate in direct-use for ' 'pumping power must be between 0 and 0.5 $/kWh. Simulation terminated.') print(f'Error: {msg}') model.logger.fatal(msg) self.error = 1 if self.Power_plant_cost_per_kWe.value < 0 or self.Power_plant_cost_per_kWe.value > 10_000: # TODO interpolate provided value in message msg = ('CLGS model database imposes additional range restrictions: Power plant capital cost must be between ' '0 and 10,000 $/kWe. Simulation terminated.') print(f'Error: {msg}') model.logger.fatal(msg) self.error = 1 if model.surfaceplant.enduse_option.value not in (EndUseOptions.HEAT, EndUseOptions.ELECTRICITY): # TODO interpolate provided value in message msg = ('CLGS model database imposes additional range restrictions: Economic Calculations can only be made ' 'only for electricity or heat, not a combination.') print(f'Error: {msg}') model.logger.fatal(msg) self.error = 1'complete {__class__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') return self.error
[docs] def Calculate(self, model: Model) -> None: """ The calculate function verifies, initializes, and calculate the values for the AGS model :param model: The container class of the application, giving access to everything else, including the logger :type model: :class:`~geophires_x.Model.Model` :return: None """'Init {__class__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}') if self.econmodel.value is not EconomicModel.CLGS: # do a classical econ calculation super().Calculate(model) else: # use the CLGS-Style economic calculations err = self.verify(model) if err > 0: msg = 'Error: GEOPHIRES failed to Failed to validate CLGS input value. Exiting....' print(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # Calculate CAPEX tot, vert, horiz = model.wellbores.calculatedrillinglengths(model) vertical_CAPEX_Drilling = vert * self.Vertical_drilling_cost_per_m.value / 1e6 # Drilling capital cost [M$] horizontal_CAPEX_Drilling = horiz * self.Nonvertical_drilling_cost_per_m.value / 1e6 # Drilling capital cost [M$] self.CAPEX_Drilling = vertical_CAPEX_Drilling + horizontal_CAPEX_Drilling if model.surfaceplant.enduse_option.value == EndUseOptions.HEAT: self.CAPEX_Surface_Plant = np.max( model.surfaceplant.Instantaneous_heat_production) * self.Direct_use_heat_cost_per_kWth.value / 1e6 # [M$] elif model.surfaceplant.enduse_option.value == EndUseOptions.ELECTRICITY: if model.wellbores.Fluid.value == WorkingFluid.WATER: self.CAPEX_Surface_Plant = np.max( model.surfaceplant.Instantaneous_electricity_production_method_1) * self.Power_plant_cost_per_kWe.value / 1e6 # [M$] else: self.CAPEX_Surface_Plant = np.max( model.surfaceplant.Instantaneous_electricity_production_method_4) * self.Power_plant_cost_per_kWe.value / 1e6 # [M$] self.TotalCAPEX = self.CAPEX_Drilling + self.CAPEX_Surface_Plant # Total system capital cost (only includes drilling and surface plant cost) [M$] # Calculate OPEX if model.surfaceplant.enduse_option.value == EndUseOptions.HEAT: self.OPEX_Plant = self.O_and_M_cost_plant.value * self.CAPEX_Surface_Plant + model.surfaceplant.Annual_pumping_power * self.Electricity_rate / 1e6 # Annual plant O&M cost [M$/year] elif model.surfaceplant.enduse_option.value == EndUseOptions.ELECTRICITY: self.OPEX_Plant = self.O_and_M_cost_plant.value * self.CAPEX_Surface_Plant # Annual plant O&M cost [M$/year] self.AverageOPEX_Plant = np.average(self.OPEX_Plant) # Calculate LCO(H)(E) Discount_vector = 1. / np.power(1 + self.Discount_rate, np.linspace(0, model.surfaceplant.Lifetime - 1, model.surfaceplant.Lifetime)) if model.surfaceplant.enduse_option.value == EndUseOptions.HEAT: self.LCOH.CurrentUnits = EnergyCostUnit.DOLLARSPERMWH self.LCOH.value = (self.TotalCAPEX + np.sum(self.OPEX_Plant * Discount_vector)) * 1e6 / np.sum( model.surfaceplant.Annual_heat_production / 1e3 * Discount_vector) # $/MWh if self.LCOH.value < 0: self.LCOH.value = 9999 model.surfaceplant.error_codes = np.append(model.surfaceplant.error_codes, 5000) elif model.surfaceplant.enduse_option.value == EndUseOptions.ELECTRICITY: self.LCOE.CurrentUnits = EnergyCostUnit.DOLLARSPERMWH if model.surfaceplant.Average_electricity_production == 0: self.LCOE.value = 9999 model.surfaceplant.error_codes = np.append(model.surfaceplant.error_codes, 6000) else: self.LCOE.value = (self.TotalCAPEX + np.sum(self.OPEX_Plant * Discount_vector)) * 1e6 / np.sum(( model.surfaceplant.Annual_electricity_production - model.surfaceplant.Annual_pumping_power) / 1e3 * Discount_vector) # $/MWh if self.LCOE.value < 0: self.LCOE.value = 9999 model.surfaceplant.error_codes = np.append(model.surfaceplant.error_codes, 7000) # handle errors if len(model.surfaceplant.error_codes) > 0: msg = (f'failed with the following error codes: ' f'{model.surfaceplant.error_codes[0:]!s} in {__class__!s} {os.path.abspath(__file__)}') model.logger.fatal(msg) print(f'Error: {msg}') raise RuntimeError(msg) # copy values to GEOPHIRES Equivalents self.CCap.value = self.TotalCAPEX self.CCap.CurrentUnits = CurrencyUnit.MDOLLARS self.Cwell.value = self.CAPEX_Drilling self.Cplant.CurrentUnits = CurrencyUnit.MDOLLARS self.Cplant.value = self.CAPEX_Surface_Plant self.Cplant.CurrentUnits = CurrencyUnit.MDOLLARS self.Coam.value = self.AverageOPEX_Plant * 1000 self.Coam.CurrentUnits = CurrencyFrequencyUnit.KDOLLARSPERYEAR'complete {__class__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}')