Source code for geophires_monte_carlo.MC_GeoPHIRES3

#! python
Framework for running Monte Carlo simulations using GEOPHIRES v3.0 & HIP-RA 1.0
build date: September 2023
Created on Wed November  16 10:43:04 2017
@author: Malcolm Ross V3
@author: softwareengineerprogrammer

import argparse
import concurrent.futures
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pylocker import Locker
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table

from geophires_monte_carlo.common import _get_logger
from geophires_x.GeoPHIRESUtils import InsertImagesIntoHTML
from geophires_x.GeoPHIRESUtils import render_default
from geophires_x_client import GeophiresInputParameters
from geophires_x_client import GeophiresXClient
from geophires_x_client import GeophiresXResult
from hip_ra import HipRaClient
from hip_ra import HipRaInputParameters
from hip_ra import HipRaResult
from hip_ra_x import HipRaXClient

logger = _get_logger()

[docs] def Write_HTML_Output( html_path: str, df: pd.DataFrame, outputs: list, mins: list, maxs: list, medians: list, averages: list, means: list, std: list, full_names: set, short_names: set, ) -> None: """ Write_HTML_Output - write the results of the Monte Carlo simulation to an HTML file :param html_path: the path to the HTML file to write :type html_path: str :param df: the DataFrame with the results :type df: pd.DataFrame :param outputs: the list of output variable names :type outputs: list :param mins: the list of minimum values for each output variable :type mins: list :param maxs: the list of maximum values for each output variable :type maxs: list :param medians: the list of median values for each output variable :type medians: list :param averages: the list of average values for each output variable :type averages: list :param means: the list of mean values for each output variable :type means: list :param std: the list of standard deviation values for each output variable :type std: list :param full_names: the list of full names for each output variable :type full_names: set :param short_names: the list of short names for each output variable :type short_names: set """ # Build the tables that will hold those results, along with the columns for the input variables results_table = Table(title='GEOPHIRES/HIR-RA Monte Carlo Results') results_table.add_column('Iteration #', no_wrap=True, justify='center') for output in df.axes[1]: results_table.add_column(output.replace(',', ''), no_wrap=True, justify='center') statistics_table = Table(title='GEOPHIRES/HIR-RA Monte Carlo Statistics') statistics_table.add_column('Output Parameter Name', no_wrap=True, justify='center') statistics_table.add_column('minimum', no_wrap=True, justify='center') statistics_table.add_column('maximum', no_wrap=True, justify='center') statistics_table.add_column('median', no_wrap=True, justify='center') statistics_table.add_column('average', no_wrap=True, justify='center') statistics_table.add_column('mean', no_wrap=True, justify='center') statistics_table.add_column('standard deviation', no_wrap=True, justify='center') # Iterate over the rows of the DataFrame and add them to the results table for index, row in df.iterrows(): data = row.values[0 : len(outputs)] # have to deal with the special case where the last column is actually # a compound string with multiple columns in it that looks like this: # ' (Gradient 1:47.219846973456924;Reservoir Temperature:264.7789623351493;...)' str_to_parse = str(row.values[len(outputs)]).strip().replace('(', '').replace(')', '') fields = str_to_parse.split(';') for field in fields: if len(field) > 0: key, value = field.split(':') data = np.append(data, float(value)) results_table.add_row(str(int(index)), *[render_default(d) for d in data]) for i in range(len(outputs)): statistics_table.add_row( outputs[i], render_default(mins[i]), render_default(maxs[i]), render_default(medians[i]), render_default(averages[i]), render_default(means[i]), render_default(std[i]), ) console = Console(style='bold white on black', force_terminal=True, record=True, width=500) console.print(results_table) console.print(' ') console.print(statistics_table) console.save_html(html_path) InsertImagesIntoHTML(html_path, full_names, short_names)
[docs] def check_and_replace_mean(input_value, args) -> list: """ CheckAndReplaceMean - check to see if the user has requested that a value be replaced by a mean value by specifying a value as "#" :param input_value: the value to check :type input_value: list :param args: the list of arguments passed in from the command line :type args: list :return: the input_value, with the mean value replaced if necessary :rtype: list """ i = 0 for input_x in input_value: if '#' in input_x: # found one we have to process. vari_name = input_value[0] # find it in the Input_file with open(args.Input_file) as f: ss = f.readlines() for s in ss: if str(s).startswith(vari_name): s2 = s.split(',') input_value[i] = s2[1] break break i += 1 return input_value
[docs] def work_package(pass_list: list): """ Function that is called by the executor. It does the work of running the simulation. :param pass_list: the list of arguments passed in from the command line """ log = _get_logger() print('#', end='') # TODO Use tdqm library to show progress bar on screen: input_values: list[list] = pass_list[0] outputs: list = pass_list[1] args: argparse.Namespace = pass_list[2] output_file: str = pass_list[3] working_dir: str = pass_list[4] # noqa: F841 python_path: str = pass_list[5] input_file_entries = '' for input_value in input_values: # get random values for each of the INPUTS based on the distributions and boundary values if input_value[1].strip().startswith('normal'): rando = np.random.normal(float(input_value[2]), float(input_value[3])) input_file_entries += input_value[0] + ', ' + str(rando) + '\n' elif input_value[1].strip().startswith('uniform'): rando = np.random.uniform(float(input_value[2]), float(input_value[3])) input_file_entries += input_value[0] + ', ' + str(rando) + '\n' elif input_value[1].strip().startswith('triangular'): rando = np.random.triangular(float(input_value[2]), float(input_value[3]), float(input_value[4])) input_file_entries += input_value[0] + ', ' + str(rando) + '\n' if input_value[1].strip().startswith('lognormal'): rando = np.random.lognormal(float(input_value[2]), float(input_value[3])) input_file_entries += input_value[0] + ', ' + str(rando) + '\n' if input_value[1].strip().startswith('binomial'): rando = np.random.binomial(int(input_value[2]), float(input_value[3])) input_file_entries += input_value[0] + ', ' + str(rando) + '\n' # make up a temporary file name that will be shared among files for this iteration tmp_input_file: str = str(Path(tempfile.gettempdir(), f'{uuid.uuid4()!s}.txt')) tmp_output_file: str = tmp_input_file.replace('.txt', '_result.txt') # copy the contents of the Input_file into a new input file shutil.copyfile(args.Input_file, tmp_input_file) # append those values to the new input file in the format "variable name, new_random_value". # This will cause GeoPHIRES/HIP-RA to replace the value in the file with this random value in the calculation # if it exists in that file already, or it will set it to the value as if it was a new value set by the user. with open(tmp_input_file, 'a') as f: f.write(input_file_entries) if args.Code_File.endswith(''): geophires_client: GeophiresXClient = GeophiresXClient() result: GeophiresXResult = geophires_client.get_geophires_result( GeophiresInputParameters(from_file_path=Path(tmp_input_file)) ) shutil.copyfile(result.output_file_path, tmp_output_file) elif args.Code_File.endswith(''): hip_ra_client: HipRaClient = HipRaClient() result: HipRaResult = hip_ra_client.get_hip_ra_result( HipRaInputParameters(file_path_or_params_dict=Path(tmp_input_file)) ) shutil.copyfile(result.output_file_path, tmp_output_file) elif args.Code_File.endswith(''): hip_ra_x_client: HipRaXClient = HipRaXClient() result: HipRaResult = hip_ra_x_client.get_hip_ra_result( HipRaInputParameters(file_path_or_params_dict=Path(tmp_input_file)) ) shutil.copyfile(result.output_file_path, tmp_output_file) else: log.warning( f'Code file from args ({args.Code_File}) is not a known program, ' f'using subprocess instead of dedicated client...' ) # start the passed in program name (usually GEOPHIRES or HIP-RA) with the supplied input file. # Capture the output into a filename that is the same as the input file but has the suffix "_result.txt". # ruff: noqa: S603 # FIXME re-enable QA and address sprocess = subprocess.Popen( [python_path, args.Code_File, tmp_input_file, tmp_output_file], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL ) sprocess.wait() # look group "_result.txt" file for the OUTPUT variables that the user asked for. # For each of them, write them as a column in results file s1 = '' s2 = {} result_s = '' local_outputs = outputs # make sure a key file exists. If not, exit if not Path(tmp_output_file).exists(): logger.warning(f'Timed out waiting for: {tmp_output_file}') exit(-33) with open(tmp_output_file) as f: result_lines = f.readlines() def get_output(output): matches = list(filter(lambda line: f' {output}: ' in line, result_lines)) if len(matches) > 1: logger.warning(f'Found more than 1 match for output {output}: {matches}') return None if len(matches) < 1: logger.warning(f'Found no matches for output {output}: {matches}') return None return matches[0] for out in local_outputs: s1 = get_output(out) if s1 is not None: s2 = s1.split(':') # colon marks the split between the title and the data s2 = s2[1].strip() # remove leading and trailing spaces s2 = s2.split(' ') # split on space because there is a unit string after the value we are looking for s2 = s2[0].strip() # we finally have the result we were looking for result_s += s2 + ', ' # append the input values to the output values so the optimal input values are easy to find, # the form "inputVar:Rando;nextInputVar:Rando..." result_s += '(' + input_file_entries.replace('\n', ';', -1).replace(', ', ':', -1) + ')' # delete temporary files Path.unlink(Path(tmp_input_file)) Path.unlink(Path(tmp_output_file)) # write out the results result_s = result_s.strip(' ').strip(',') # get rid of last space and comma result_s += '\n' # write the result to a file in a concurrent thread safe way lock_pass = str(uuid.uuid1()) FL = Locker(filePath=output_file, lockPass=lock_pass, timeout=10, mode='a') with FL as r: acquired, code, fd = r if fd is not None: fd.write(result_s)
[docs] def main(command_line_args=None): r""" main - this is the main function that is called when the program is run It gets most of its key values from the command line: 0) Code_File: Python code to run 1) Input_file: The base model for the calculations 2) MC_Settings_file: The settings file for the MC run: a) the input variables to change (spelling and case are IMPORTANT), their distribution functions (choices = normal, uniform, triangular, lognormal, binomial - see numpy.random for documentation), and the inputs for that distribution function (Comma separated; If the mean is set to "#", then value from the Input_file as the mode/mean). In the form: INPUT, Maximum Temperature, normal, mean, std_dev INPUT, Utilization Factor,uniform, min, max INPUT, Ambient Temperature,triangular, left, mode, right b) the output variable(s) to track (spelling and case are IMPORTANT), in the form [NOTE: THIS LIST SHOULD BE IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR IN THE OUTPUT FILE]: OUTPUT, Average Net Electricity Production OUTPUT, Electricity breakeven price c) the number of iterations, in the form: ITERATIONS, 1000 d) the name of the output file (it will contain one column for each of the output variables to track), in the form: MC_OUTPUT_FILE, "D:\Work\GEOPHIRES3-master\MC_Result.txt" d) the path to the python executable, it it is not already linked to "python", in the form: PYTHON_PATH, /user/local/bin/python3 :param enable_geophires_monte_carlo_logging_config: if True, use the logging.conf file to configure logging :type enable_geophires_monte_carlo_logging_config: bool """ # set the starting directory to be the directory that this file is in os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) logger = _get_logger()'Init {__name__!s}') # keep track of execution time tic = time.time() # get the values off the command line parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('Code_File', help='Code File') parser.add_argument('Input_file', help='Input file') parser.add_argument('MC_Settings_file', help='MC Settings file') parser.add_argument('MC_OUTPUT_FILE', help='Output file', nargs='?') if command_line_args is None: logger.warn('Command line args were not passed explicitly, falling back to sys.argv') command_line_args = sys.argv[1:] args = parser.parse_args(command_line_args) # make a list of the INPUTS, distribution functions, and the inputs for that distribution function. # Make a list of the OUTPUTs # Find the iteration value # Find the Output_file with open(args.MC_Settings_file, encoding='UTF-8') as f: flist = f.readlines() inputs = [] outputs = [] iterations = 0 output_file = ( args.MC_OUTPUT_FILE if 'MC_OUTPUT_FILE' in args and args.MC_OUTPUT_FILE is not None else str(Path(Path(args.Input_file).parent, 'MC_Result.txt').absolute()) ) code_file_name = Path(args.Code_File).name python_path = 'python' html_path = '' for line in flist: clean = line.strip() pair = clean.split(',') pair[1] = pair[1].strip() if pair[0].startswith('INPUT'): inputs.append(pair[1:]) elif pair[0].startswith('OUTPUT'): outputs.append(pair[1]) elif pair[0].startswith('ITERATIONS'): iterations = int(pair[1]) elif pair[0].startswith('MC_OUTPUT_FILE'): # FIXME accepting relative paths here is likely to break MC, consolidate/align setting output file with # pattern in geophires_monte_carlo.MonteCarloRequest output_file = pair[1] elif pair[0].startswith('PYTHON_PATH'): python_path = pair[1] elif pair[0].startswith('HTML_PATH'): html_path = pair[1] # check to see if there is a "#" in an input, if so, use the results file to replace it with the value for input_value in inputs: # FIXME assign via index instead of reference input_value = check_and_replace_mean(input_value, args) # create the file output_file. Put headers in it for each of the INPUT and OUTPUT variables # - these form the column headings when importing into Excel # - we include the INPUT and OUTPUT variables in the output file so that we can track the results and tell which # combination of variables produced the interesting values (like lowest or highest, or mean) # start by creating the string we will write as header s = '' for output in outputs: s += output + ', ' for input in inputs: s += input[0] + ', ' s = ''.join(s.rsplit(' ', 1)) # get rid of last space s = ''.join(s.rsplit(',', 1)) # get rid of last comma s += '\n' # write the header so it is easy to import and analyze in Excel with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(s) # set the starting directory to be the directory that this file is in working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(working_dir) working_dir = working_dir + os.sep # build the args list pass_list = [inputs, outputs, args, output_file, working_dir, python_path] # this list never changes args = [] for _ in range(iterations): args.append(pass_list) # we need to make Iterations number of copies of this list for the map args = tuple(args) # convert to a tuple # Now run the executor with the map - that will run it Iterations number of times with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:, args) print('\n') # See TODO re: tqdm'Done with calculations! Summarizing...') # read the results into an array with open(output_file) as f: s = f.readline() # skip the first line all_results = f.readlines() result_count = 0 results = [] for line in all_results: result_count = result_count + 1 if '-9999.0' not in line and len(s) > 1: line = line.strip() if len(line) > 10: line, sep, tail = line.partition(', (') # strip off the Input Variable Values line = line.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') # strip off the () results.append([float(y) for y in line.split(',')]) else: logger.warning(f'-9999.0 or space found in line {result_count!s}') actual_records_count = len(results) if len(results) < 1: # TODO surface actual exceptions instead of giving this generic message raise RuntimeError( 'No MC results generated, ' f'this is likely caused by {code_file_name} throwing an exception ' f'when run with your input file.' ) # Compute the stats along the specified axes. mins = np.nanmin(results, 0) maxs = np.nanmax(results, 0) medians = np.nanmedian(results, 0) averages = np.average(results, 0) means = np.nanmean(results, 0) std = np.nanstd(results, 0) # Load the results into a pandas dataframe results_pd = pd.read_csv(output_file) df = pd.DataFrame(results_pd) # Build a second dataframe to contain the input data. In the df dataframe, it is too encoded to be useful input_df = pd.DataFrame() # add the columns input_row = df[df.columns[len(outputs)]].tolist()[0] input_row = input_row.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') input_row = input_row.strip().strip(';') input_columns_data = input_row.split(';') for input_column_data in input_columns_data: input_column_name, input_column_value = input_column_data.split(':') input_df[input_column_name] = [] # add the data for i in range(actual_records_count): input_row = str(df[df.columns[len(outputs)]].tolist()[i]) if len(input_row) < 10: continue input_row = input_row.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') input_row = input_row.strip().strip(';') input_columns_data = input_row.split(';') data = [] for input_column_data in input_columns_data: input_column_name, input_column_value = input_column_data.split(':') data.append(float(input_column_value)) input_df.loc[i] = data'Calculation Time: {time.time() - tic:10.3f} sec')'Calculation Time per iteration: {(time.time() - tic) / actual_records_count:10.3f} sec') if iterations != actual_records_count: msg = f'NOTE: {actual_records_count!s} iterations finished successfully and were used to calculate the statistics.' logger.warning(msg) # write them out and make the graphs annotations = '' outputs_result: dict[str, dict] = {} input = '' full_names: set = set() short_names: set = set() with open(output_file, 'a') as f: # First do the input graphs for i in range(len(inputs)): input = inputs[i][0] plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = plt.subplot() ax.set_title(input) ax.set_xlabel('Random Values') ax.set_ylabel('Probability') plt.figtext(0.11, 0.74, annotations, fontsize=8) ret = plt.hist(input_df[input_df.columns[i]].tolist(), bins=50, density=True) fname = input_df.columns[i].strip().replace('/', '-') save_path = Path(Path(output_file).parent, f'{fname}.png') if html_path: save_path = Path(Path(html_path).parent, f'{fname}.png') plt.savefig(save_path) plt.close() full_names.add(save_path) short_names.add(fname) # Now do the output graphs for i in range(len(outputs)): output = outputs[i] f.write(f'{output}:\n') outputs_result[output]: dict[str, float] = {} outputs_result[output]['minimum'] = mins[i] outputs_result[output]['maximum'] = maxs[i] outputs_result[output]['median'] = medians[i] outputs_result[output]['average'] = averages[i] outputs_result[output]['mean'] = means[i] outputs_result[output]['standard deviation'] = std[i] for k, v in outputs_result[output].items(): display = f' {k}: {v:,.2f}\n' f.write(display) annotations += display plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = plt.subplot() ax.set_title(output) ax.set_xlabel('Output units') ax.set_ylabel('Probability') plt.figtext(0.11, 0.74, annotations, fontsize=8) ret = plt.hist(df[df.columns[i]].tolist(), bins=50, density=True) f.write(f'bin values (as percentage): {ret[0]!s}\n') f.write(f'bin edges: {ret[1]!s}\n') fname = df.columns[i].strip().replace('/', '-') save_path = Path(Path(output_file).parent, f'{fname}.png') if html_path: save_path = Path(Path(html_path).parent, f'{fname}.png') plt.savefig(save_path) plt.close() full_names.add(save_path) short_names.add(fname) annotations = '' if html_path: Write_HTML_Output(html_path, df, outputs, mins, maxs, medians, averages, means, std, full_names, short_names) with open(Path(output_file).with_suffix('.json'), 'w') as json_output_file: json_output_file.write(json.dumps(outputs_result))'Wrote JSON results to {}')'Complete {__name__!s}: {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}')
if __name__ == '__main__':'Init {__name__!s}') main(command_line_args=sys.argv[1:])